Sunday, October 12, 2008

Spiritual Authority in the Marketplace

After a day at a conference today, I started thinking about spiritual authority and how it applies to the current economic crisis, the coming election and marketplace ministry in general.

There are many aspects to spiritual authority, but the one I want to focus on here is the authority we have as we walk by faith in peace and confidence in our source of authority, the eternal, one and only God, rather than reacting to circumstances around us and making decisions based on fear. Although this has always been critical to walking in spiritual authority, it is even more critical today.

The economic crisis alone is devastating many people and leading them to make decisions that they are likely to regret in the near future. I'm not saying we shouldn't plan for the future, but those plans need to be under the direction of God who knows the future. You may be thinking this is a pretty nebulous statement, but if you have a dynamic and intimate relationship with the God of the Universe through His Son, Jesus Christ, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

But even those of us who have this kind of relationship can make unwise decisions and even relinquish our spiritual authority if we act out of fear or if we place more value on what circumstances tell us than on what God's Word says. Take the example of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 1:27 & 28 it says, "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'" God basically gave Adam and Eve complete authority over all of creation but with one stipulation - there was only one tree from which they were not to eat the fruit.

We don't know how long Adam and Eve lived in the garden before that first act of disobedience, but we do know that one day Eve entered into conversation with the serpent (over which she was supposed to be exercising authority!) and the serpent began to plant seeds of doubt and curiosity in her mind. That ultimately led to direct disobedience to God's one and only command. I can imagine that as she reasoned with the serpent, perhaps pride, fear, doubt and many other emotions flooded her soul leading her to disobedience. And in that one act, she and Adam relinquished the unique spiritual authority they had been given.

How easy it is for us to fall into a similar trap! When circumstances appear to be contrary to what God has already told us, how often we react to those circumstances to our own detriment and in the process, lose the spiritual authority we should have to overcome in the way our heavenly Father would have us overcome. Making our decisions, even those that involve our finances, who we are going to vote for, how to proceed in business, guided by His hand rather than by our own wisdom enables us to walk in greater and greater spiritual authority.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Penguin Perspective on Covenant Marriage

Ever wondered if the animals can teach us a spiritual lesson? I'm sure you've seen many examples both positive and negative. We recently visited the zoo with our little grandson and were amazed at the lesson about covenant marriage the penguins demonstrate.

My husband and I have been married for almost 36 years in a totally committed, no fooling around kind of relationship. Not that I am bragging; we've of course had our challenges just like any other couple. But the grace of God has seen us through and He has used those challenges to strengthen us rather than tear us apart.

So what can we learn about covenant marriage from the penguins. Go here to find out.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer Success Summit

I wanted to let you know about a free series of classes available to small business owners and entrepreneurs. The classes are free but you must register and if you would like to have them, there is an option to purchase the recordings and transcripts. Our good friend and mentor, Craig Hill is one of the guest presenters. These lessons are sure to give you new insights into how you can make your business more successful.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Marketplace Ministry in the Old Testament?

I've been reading in 2 Chronicles 34 & 35 the past couple of days and imagining what it would have been like in the days of King Josiah. The Bible records that he "did what was right in the sight of the Lord." And he didn't even have the books of the law to show him the right direction - at least, not at the beginning of his reign. It wasn't until later that one of the priests found the book of the law and it was taken to Josiah and read to him. What was it that moved King Josiah to destroy pagan worship and restore the temple? We may never know the answer to that, but we do know that great wealth and effort was poured into the restoration of the temple and that faithful men were entrusted with the resources that were brought by all the people, the remnant of Israel, in order to complete the work on the temple. All of the overseers and workmen were trustworthy and faithful and the work was accomplished. How we need that today - trustworthy, faithful marketplace ministers who will be able to accomplish the work of preparation of the church, the Bride of Christ so it will be ready when He returns. May that be the burning desire of our hearts.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

God Honors Those Who Honor Him

Christian entrepreneur and mentor of Christian entrepreneurs, Tim Darnell had this to say about the high standard of integrity and calling of those who call themselves Christians in the business world.

Christian Champions define themselves by their relationship to Christ and clearly defined Godly principles and ideals, and are directed by their resolve to improve the world. They are inner directed rather than circumstances directed. They are vision directed rather than visually directed. They are positive and hopefully expectant even amidst seasons of roaming in the desert. They operate according to a higher standard and higher goals than MPs do. (MP = Most People) They don't choose their actions based on what is expedient, but rather on what is Godly and right. They see the big picture for the long term; and their destiny as intertwined with their contribution to society and God's direction for their life.

As I read this paragraph just now it reminded me of the testimony of one of the men at our church today. He is a real estate investor, fixing up and renting out houses. Today he told how he had had several renters who had left him in the lurch, owing him rent, water and electricity; simply disappearing without paying. The most recent one, according to him, claimed to be a Christian. His first thought was to try to get redress for the wrong he had suffered, but the Lord reminded him of the verse that says, brother goes to law against another--and this in front of unbelievers!
The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? (I Corinthians 6:6,7)

Our friend told of how he then submitted his case to the Lord and within a few days a new renter had called and asked if they could pay a full year's rent in advance! Talk about God honoring a person when he submits to Him and honors Him! His testimony blessed all of us.

Often we will find ourselves in situations in the business world that demand that we listen to a higher voice, an inner voice as Tim Darnell points out. It's a voice that calls us to a higher standard than the world's and gives us the opportunity to see the living God work on our behalf.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Building Character Like Pulling Weeds

Yesterday I was pulling weeds in our garden with the help of my little 2 year old grandson. It has been easy to teach him which plants are weeds and which are not. So together we got most of them pulled and most were pretty small. But there was one particularly stubborn weed near the garden that took a lot of effort, help from a shovel and muscle power to pull. When we got it out I pointed out to him how long the root was and that it was the deep, long root that made it so difficult to pull out. He found it very interesting.

Then this morning as I was praying for him, the Lord began to speak to me about weeds. They are so much easier to pull out when they are tiny, just like it is so much easier to nip bad habits in the bud when they are just beginning. During this young, fresh stage in his life, character can be formed and bad character (weeds) can easily be dealt with.

Even for those of us who are already adults, there is still hope if we allow our heavenly Father to use His shovel to dig the "weeds" out of our lives.

I observed one other thing in my garden yesterday. Where the plants have grown up thick and lush, it is impossible for the weeds to grow. The ground is cool, moist and shaded and the crops are abundant. In fact, I'm not sure how we're going to eat all the kale, broccoli, collards, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers we have planted this year! They are abundant. How I would like my life to be like that! How I would love my children's and grandchildren's lives to be like that - bringing life and abundance into the world around us.

Let's let the heavenly gardener do His job of weeding, making room for His character to bloom and touch and enrich many lives.

Friday, April 18, 2008

New Site for Entrepreneurs

There is a new networking site for entrepreneurs. Check it out! Free training for entrepreneurs and small business owners is available and more is being added on a regular basis. Join for free and find out the best and newest tactics for entrepreneurs. If you are a Christian entrepreneur you will love the Christ centered focus of the mentoring and training. This is an excellent alternative to The Secret.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spitzer - Where Has Integrity Gone?

Where has integrity in politics and business gone? This quote from a top news source referring to the Spitzer scandal points out the fact that without personal integrity there can be no integrity in politics, business or the marketplace.

Speaking to a packed room with more than 40 television and still cameras along with about 60 reporters, Spitzer said he has begun to ``atone for my private failings.''

``The remorse I feel will always be with me,'' he said. ``I look at my time as governor with a sense of what might have been.''

Political consultant Hank Sheinkopf, strategy director in Spitzer's upset election as state attorney general in 1998, said ``this is an extraordinary story -- the supernova of American politics collapsing in 14 months.''

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Opportunity for International Entrepreneurs

Are you called to marketplace ministry in a country outside the USA? If so, check out this remarkable opportunity that will launch your business to a new level. Click here for more information.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Advantage Conferences' New Power Mentoring

At Advantage Conferences we are now offering monthly subscriptions for people to get a glimpse into our Mindset Mentoring Conferences and our powerful mentoring products. You can begin for as little as $39.00 a month and you can begin today by clicking:


Can you afford to make an investment in yourself today? Or rather, can you afford not to? I can tell you that you'll be glad you did.

Some of the great benefits you'll receive from our products are: you'll strengthen your relationship with Christ which is priority one; you'll get amazing inspirational testimonials and nuggets of wisdom that you can't get anywhere but from highly successful Christian millionaire entrepreneurs; you'll become blessed by blessing others with what you learn, and if the business opportunity is a fit for you, it has an unlimited income potential.

The marketplace is hungry for what we offer and there is an ever increasing harvest just waiting for someone to claim it. You'll learn time tested Biblical principles to create wealth, while serving others.

Have you ever wondered why some people make millions of dollars a year while others struggle to just barely get by, yet we all have the same 24 hours in a day? Much of it has to do with beliefs and mindsets about money. The parable of the talents is a good example of this. God has appointed you for something more and your timing is now.

Look at the subscription options at this link:


Subscribe to the product level that fits your needs. I know that after you see the first DVD in the IMPACT subscription, you'll be ready to upgrade your subscription and get scheduled to attend the next Mindset Mentoring Conference.

And remember, if you are ready to take your business to the next level, you can save $5,000.00 on our President's Package right now, but we need to get your President's Interview approved quickly as this special discount is for a limited time only.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Integrity in the Marketplace

Integrity in the marketplace is a key to good business. When people know you can be trusted; that you will keep your word and honor your commitments, they will come back to deal with you again and again. Just yesterday I was talking by phone with a potential business associate who complained about the many fly-by-night businesses he had found on the internet. Most had no name, no phone number for making contact and not even an e-mail address. He was tired of dealing with phonies.

That just reinforced to me how important it is that especially those of us in marketplace ministry treat every client, relationship and transaction with integrity. We who are attempting to bring Christ and biblical principles into the marketplace must seek to be beyond reproach. We must go the second mile and demonstrate both by actions and words that we are who we say we are and that we will do what we say we will do. Honesty, integrity, dependability - all crucial in the marketplace.

I just read an article by Daryl R. Gibson on Integrity in the Workplace. He ended his article with this summary:
Why should we have integrity in our business life? Because it's good business -- for our company, for ourselves, and for our soul.
Enough said!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Time Has Come

"For years, Christians involved in business thought their only usefulness was at church. Leaders now say most ministry will soon be happening on the job."
This quote from an article in Charisma Magazine June 2003 comes from Ken Walker. Four and a half years later we are seeing this become more and more a reality. Walker's article goes on to say the following:

"This movement is going to a much higher level," says Marshall, who devotes one week a month to starting advice centers in Houston. "But, we're still at the front edge of this. It's an ongoing thing of people stepping out to do things."

Still, the move is pronounced enough that Ed Silvoso--one of the leaders of the renowned Argentinean revival and a banker and hospital administrator before he became an evangelist--has redirected his ministry toward the marketplace.

His new focus includes a book titled Anointed for Business. Silvoso credits the inspiration for writing it to a divine revelation that his theology was incomplete--because it failed to apply Scripture to the workplace."

Applying Scripture to the marketplace (or workplace) isn't new to us. Back in the '80's in Brazil, we encountered a whole new variety of businessmen/pastors. It was a new breed.

I believe we still have much to learn from leaders such as Ed Silvoso and many others. One such person is Tim Darnell who has brought new meaning to the concept of marketplace ministry through the Christ centered company he founded several years ago - Advantage Conferences.

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