Thursday, January 17, 2008

Integrity in the Marketplace

Integrity in the marketplace is a key to good business. When people know you can be trusted; that you will keep your word and honor your commitments, they will come back to deal with you again and again. Just yesterday I was talking by phone with a potential business associate who complained about the many fly-by-night businesses he had found on the internet. Most had no name, no phone number for making contact and not even an e-mail address. He was tired of dealing with phonies.

That just reinforced to me how important it is that especially those of us in marketplace ministry treat every client, relationship and transaction with integrity. We who are attempting to bring Christ and biblical principles into the marketplace must seek to be beyond reproach. We must go the second mile and demonstrate both by actions and words that we are who we say we are and that we will do what we say we will do. Honesty, integrity, dependability - all crucial in the marketplace.

I just read an article by Daryl R. Gibson on Integrity in the Workplace. He ended his article with this summary:
Why should we have integrity in our business life? Because it's good business -- for our company, for ourselves, and for our soul.
Enough said!

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